The Marine Molecular Biology Laboratory explores the genomic complement of marine organisms to reveal the keys to their success in different ecological niches and to gain insights into the origin and evolution of animal diversity and complexity.


17th National Symposium on Marine Science 2023
Lab members present their work at PAMS 2023 in Batangas

5th Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium 2023
Lab members present their work at APCRS 2023 at the National University of Singapore

11th World Sponge Conference 2022
Niño presents his work on a calcareous sponge and meets Gert Wörheide and Oliver Voigt at the 11th World Sponge Conference in the Netherlands

11th World Sponge Conference 2022
Hazell presents her work on barrel sponge microbiomes and meets sponge experts Nicole de Voogd and Thomas Swierts at the 11th World Sponge Conference in the Netherlands

Cover sponges
Mike's sponge larvae make it to the cover of Invertebrate Biology

Gordon Research Conference 2019
Keana, Kus, and Aubrey present their work on various aspects of giant clam biology and ecology at the GRC on Marine Molecular Ecology at HKUST, Hong Kong

15th National Symposium on Marine Science
Excellent presentations by MMBL members at the 15th National Symposium on Marine Science (PAMS15) in Aklan

4th Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium
MMBL members present their work at the 4th Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium in Cebu